The last product that I contributed to for the 4e Midgard Kickstarter is available to buy on RPGNow for only $2.99 / £1.95. It already has a 5 star review and even though I may be biased I think 12 interesting fun monsters for such a small amount of cash is definitely value for money.
Some of the 12 monsters in the product are:
Bagiennik – This unpredictable monster is as likely to help people as attack them. The oil it secretes is prized though.
Doppelrat – A rat that clones multiple copies of itself.
Dragonleaf Tree – A tree that has some of the capabilities of a dragon, how cool is that!
Oculo Swarm – This hideous “thing” steals the eyes of its victims
I got involved in this project as Richard Green and Brian LiBerge needed to convert 12 existing Midgard monsters to 4E pretty quickly. Richard knew I was unemployed and would be happy to help out and so he asked me if I would take 4 monsters and him and Brian would also take 4 each. Brian graciously let me choose the 4 monsters I wanted to do from their list before they divided the rest up between the two of them. I chose the Doppelrat, Salt Golem, Witchlight and the Bagiennik. Once again I bounced ideas off of John Pope (ObsidianCrane) and Adam Page and used my regular group to playtest the monsters. I was quite concerned about the Doppelrat, as I hadn’t used any similar monster in 4E up until that point and the fact it kept producing copies of itself meant I was worried that the adventurers would have no chance of overcoming it or indeed escaping from it. The playtest fight went extremely well. The fight was like a roller coaster. One second the Doppelrat seemed to have overwhelmed the PCs, the next the PCs clearly had the upper hand. That’s exactly how I hoped it would play out.
It is a cheap product but should give you some more fun toys to torment your players with. I hope everyone enjoys it!