Ardun Du’gren – Dim-U Preacher
It’s easy to ignore the wld arm waving gesticulations, and almost incomprehensible shouting of Ardun, a human follower of the Dim-U faith. These fanatics believe in the sanctity of the bantha, and worship a mother goddess creature, the mighty bantha, the horned one. By day, Ardun wanders the Mos Shuuta streets, his white robes and long flowing hair a common sight outside the towns cantina and Teemo’s palace, where he rants and raves at the morality of the drinkers and gamblers, trying to explain to them that the only true way to salvation for their sins of excess is to renounce all bantha based goods – the meat they eat, and the furs they wear – and praise the one true god, the stalwart bantha. By night, it as if Ardun is a different person. Calm and collective, he tends to a small hydroponics farm in the back of his home.
Dim-U Preacher (Henchmen)
Brawn 1, Cunning 3
Presence 3, Agility 2
Intellect 2, Willpower 2
Race: Human
Skills: Charm 2, Cool 2, Deceit 3, Knowledge (lore) 2, Leadership 3,
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 1 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 11
Abilities: None
Equipment: Robes, religious texts, datapad
Jakob Ereatis – Clumsy Idiot
It seems rude to instantly dismiss Jakob as the towns idiot, but in the 6 months he has lived on the mesa, after inadvertently falling into the landing gear of an imperial shuttle, he has managed to get hired and fired from every business in Mos Shuuta. At first it was believed that Jakob’s clumsiness was an act, used to distract attention and to enable him to spy. Yet after weeks of being followed by the Hutt’s guards, it was determined that he really was that useless. Jakob takes whatever jobs he can find, to earn the scant few credits he needs to survive, but inevitably messes up. If he’s delivering a message, he’ll snag his pouch on some sharp edges of metallic junk, tearing the letter to shreds. If he’s serving food, he’ll spill the contents as he bends down, while simultaneously knocking the diner behind him face first into their plate.
Odd Job Man (Henchmen)
Brawn 1, Cunning 2
Presence 2, Agility 3
Intellect 2, Willpower 2
Race: Human
Skills: Cool 1, Mechanics 1, Ranged (light) 1, Stealth 1, Streetwise 3
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 1 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 11
Abilities: None
Equipment: Secure carry satchel, datapad, commlink, holdout blaster
Seedoneo – Fat Rodian
Mos Shuuta is not a wealthy town, it scrapes by with a few exports of good quality ore, and the typical Tatooine trade in illegal items. It’s residents are, for the most part, barely able to survive day to day, getting just enough food and water to survive the harsh desert climate. This is why Seedoneo is subject a rare sight in Mos Shuuta… He’s fat… Not just large, but really fat, so much so, that he hasn’t been able to use his legs for some years now, and instead sits inside a floating chair, a modified life support pod fitted with repulsor’s. Seedoneo floats serenely through the streets, accompanied by bodyguards on his journeys between his home and office, the power station, the electrogate, and the docking stations. Seedoneo is a sand trader, buying the finest sands gathered in the nearby deserts, and then exports them off planet for use in the massive starship windows, where the mineral rich silica produces a strong glass capable of withstanding the rigours of hyperspace.
Galactic Trader (Henchmen)
Brawn 1, Cunning 3
Presence 3, Agility 1
Intellect 3, Willpower 2
Race: Rodian
Skills: Cool 2, Deceit 2, Negotiate 3, Knowledge (all) 2, Ranged (light) 2
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 1 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 11
Abilities: None
Equipment: Datapad, commlink, floating chair, 500 credits, Holdout Blaster
ChadesinFrego – Troig Forensic Investigator
Troig are an uncommon sight in the galaxy at the best of times, so to find one of the two headed four armed creatures in a backwater community such as Mos Shuuta is strange. ChadesinFrego is an imperial agent, but makes no secret of it, having been sent to Tatooine to investigate the deaths of a whole garrison of stormtroopers. ChadesinFrego results were inconclusive and rather than bring him back to the galactic core world’s, the left him to rot on Tatooine. Or so he says… ChadesinFrego two heads are especially co-operative, one being a medical expert, the other being a ballistics expert. Enjoying the heat, ChadesinFrego decided to stay after his mission was complete, and now treats injuries in private at a high cost, and trains the Hutt’s guards in blaster usage.
Imperial Investigator (Henchmen)
Brawn 1, Cunning 2
Presence 3, Agility 1
Intellect 4, Willpower 2
Race: Troig
Skills: Cool 3, Deceit 3, Knowledge (All) 2, Medicine 3, Mechanics 1, Ranged (light) 2, Ranged (heavy) 2
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 1 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 11
Abilities: None
Equipment: Datapad, commlink, medpac, blaster pistol
Klat Ser – Ever Present Drinker
You’ll find someone like Klat Ser in ever bar in ever world, and even in the deepest space stations, there will be a solitary individual mourning his life. They are the ever present drinkers, the backbones of the best drinking establishments, the people who never leave… Klat Ser is a Nikto, but it’s not immediately obvious, his facial spines have been snapped off, and ugly scars mar his reptilian scales. Given most of his race serve as slave soldiers to the Hutt crime syndicates, it can easily be presumed that Klat suffered these hideous wounds in service to Teemo, and now spends his days in a drunken stupor in the Mos Shuuta cantina. What is less obvious is the commlink embedded into one of the scars on his face, giving him a constant and pretty much undetectable communications link the Teemo’s palace. Klat is a spy, albeit a drunken one, observing the comings and goings in the cantina and reporting back to his master.
Undercover Agent (Henchmen)
Brawn 3, Cunning 2
Presence 2, Agility 3
Intellect 2, Willpower 4
Race: Nikto
Skills: Cool 2, Deceit 4, Perception 3, Melee 2, Resilience 1, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2, Ranged
light) 2
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 3 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 15
Abilities: None
Equipment: Commlink, 100 credits, holdout blaster, combat knife
Saman Fress – Maternal Saviour
The slums of Mos Shuuta, linked to the mesa by rope bridges and narrow beams of decaying metal are a hideous place, families live in tiny tents or metal sheds, often 8 or 9 people per dwelling. Unfortunately, the kind of manual work the adults in these families do is extremely hazardous, and it doesn’t seem like a week goes by without a death of some resident or loved one. Saman Fress is the slums saviour, a wealthy humanitarian who has used her money to build a small permanent building within the slums, from which so feeds, clothes and teaches the orphaned children. The Hutt has sent his guards to shut her down many times, he fears that an educated population might rebel against his control over the the mesa, but so far all attempts to destroy her building or kill her have failed.
Humanitarian (Henchmen)
Brawn 1, Cunning 4
Presence 4, Agility 1
Intellect 2, Willpower 4
Race: Human
Skills: Charm 3, Cool 2, Perception 2, Streetwise 3, Vigiliance 2
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 1 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 11
Abilities: None
Equipment: Medpac, clothing bundle, food and water supplies, 50 credits
Hurk – Former Gladiator
Old Man Hurk as he is known on Mos Shuuta was a former and highly successful gladiator in Teemo’s employ, until a staged fight against 10 Geonosians went wrong, and Hurk lost his arm. Rather than turn to drink and join the inevitable spiral towards death, Hurk used what little money he had to get a prosthetic arm fitted, and now lives amongst the community that he once entertained. His small dwelling is located along one of the main thoroughfares near the Mos Shuuta market place, and Hurk sits outside in the shade, his bench always open for visitors to sit next to him and chat. Hurk observes the kids running around, watching them play fight, and tries to analyse which will grow up to be true warriors and offers his advise to make their fights more realistic.
Arena Fighter (Henchmen)
Brawn 4, Cunning 2
Presence 3, Agility 3
Intellect 2, Willpower 2
Race: Human
Skills: Coerce 3, Cool 3, Brawl 3, Melee 3, Perception 1, Resilience 3, Survival 2
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 4 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 14
Abilities: None
Equipment: Prosthetic arm, stimpack, combat knife,
Tek Mar – Observant Bounty Hunter
How a Gran came to be on Tatooine is unclear, and you won’t get an answer from Tek Mar for his tongue has been cut out. Considering himself an outcast from even the notably fringe bounty hunter community, Tek Mar avoids contact with people, preferring sit on the roof of the water tower, using its elevated position to observe the world. He is a remarkably philosophical person, spending his days writing notes, poetry and drawing sketches of the changing landscape and people. Occasionally, when his water keg runs out, or when his wrist communicator beeps with a new message, he descends from the tower and strides purposefully towards docking bay Aurek, returning to his post several days later.
Lone Wolf (Henchmen)
Brawn 2, Cunning 2
Presence 2, Agility 2
Intellect 3, Willpower 3
Race: Gran
Skills: Coerce 2, Cool 4, Deceit 1, Melee 1, Perception 4, Ranged (light) 4, Stealth 2
Talents: Quick Draw, Swift Aim
Soak/Defence: 4 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 13
Abilities: None
Equipment: Padded Armour, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Combat Knife
C3-GG-43 – Stationary Droid
Automated systems in the Mos Shuuta power station activate each day at 6 am, and cause a metallic screen to rise and the power stations customer charging point open for business. Behind the screen is what at first glance a protocol droid, versed in the many galactic languages and fitted with both arms and several prehensile power cords with varying adaptors, including those for blaster pistols, to those for recharging droids. Beneath the counter though, C3-GG-43′s appearance is shocking. Hardwired into the power stations generators and computer network, his legs are missing, the cables and servo-actuators dangling lose over what remains of a Gonk droid, it’s body forming the basis of C3-GG-43′s ability to control the flow of power through his own appendages and also the flow of power to the various buildings on the mesa.
Immobile Droid (Henchmen)
Brawn 2, Cunning 3
Presence 3, Agility 1
Intellect 5, Willpower 3
Race: Droid (Class 3 and 5)
Skills: Knowledge (all) 4, Streetwise 4
Talents: None
Soak/Defence: 1 / 0
Thresholds: Wound: 12
Abilities: Droid do not need to eat, drink or sleep
Equipment: Various power cables, commlink