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Gods of Caedria


In establishing my setting the story of the three goddesses was a central element to the idea of the setting. The gods outside of those three were largely intended to reflect elements of the 4E pantheons and certain other things I specifically wanted in the setting. Corellon, Moradin and Bane were left unchanged as they have a lot of established lore in DnD materials and leaving them largely unchanged makes it easy to tap into that lore for older players. Though obviously if I wanted to publish (commercially) the setting their names would have to change.

The world was at first created by the three goddesses Anyar, Mairuill and Callach. Over time they were joined by their children and other gods each contributing different things to the world. In time Callach was consumed by jealousy and started the God’s War which ultimately ended with her being chained in the depths of the Abyss, a bondage her most loyal servants still seek to free her from.

These are the gods that are most commonly worshipped in civilised areas, and are the available options for player characters to choose from for their character’s to worship.

Name Role Alignment Domain Symbol
Anyar Goddess of the Sun & Fertility NG Light & Life Solar disk and standing stones
Argeas Goddess of Knowledge LN Knowledge Unfurled scroll
Corellon God of Magic CG Knowledge Staff
Denat  Goddess of Change and Luck CG Trickery Winged scroll
Jila Godess of Winter N Nature Six-pointed snowflake
Kelamar God of Justice and Protection LG Life, War Shield, often with scales.
Marathan Goddess of Civilisation LN Life, Knowledge Tower
Mairuill Goddess of the Rebirth  & Death N Life Crescent moon on a black circle.
Moradin God of Crafts NG Life, Knowledge Hammer and anvil
Rawali Goddess of Nature N Nature Crossed oak and mistletoe branches
Walek God of Storms and Strength CG Tempest Giant mallet over sword
Calmacht God of Courage NG Light,War Curling musical horn
Morwel Goddess of Stars and Love CG Life, Light Four stars around 2 eyes
Namina Goddess of Mountains N Nature Mountain peak
Rao God of Peace and Serenity LG Life, Nature Green Circle
Renamar God of Beauty CG Life, Light Sea shell
Shem God of Hearth and Home NG Life Bubbling cauldron
Suitanal God of Oceans CN Nature, Tempest Wave of white water on green
Bane God of War LE War Silver hand on black background

The Feared Ones:

All of these gods are only worshipped by secret cults or creatures dedicated to similar evils. Among most folk their names are only ever used in prayer to avoid their attentions. As they are worshipped by secret cults their symbols tend to change according to the particular cult that worships them, except for Callach, whose symbol always includes a black triangle.

  • Callach - Goddess of Darkness and Madness (Chaotic Evil)
  • Garral - God of Fire and Destruction (Chaotic Evil)
  • Golken - God of Betrayal and Tyranny (Evil)
  • Kiokras - Goddess of Greed and Envy (Evil)
  • Truailliú - God of Secrets and Corruption (Evil)
  • Seleas- God of Serpents and Trickery (Evil)

Other evil beings of great power that are often worshiped as gods by evil creatures or secret cults:

  • Demogorgon - Prince of Demons
  • Orcus - Demon Prince of Undeath
  • Druis - Demon Prince of Lust
  • Kraoisaire - Demon Prince of Gluttony
  • Díveirg - Demon Prince of Wrath

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